In the World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust and Descendants’ first virtual event, Michael Berenbaum speaks on current events to World Federation members on January 17, 2021. This event may now be viewed online here
The Future of Our Past: Informing and Inspiring the Next Generations Keynote for 31st Gathering of WFJCSH&D Vancouver, B.C. Canada November 2, 2019 Dear friends, Look around you. Embrace what you see. Already you are sharing a miracle. For how is it possible that we are here? Think of it. We were not meant to Continue Reading »
Nearly 400 Survivor Generations: Child Survivors, members of the Second and Third Generations, gathered together in sunny and chilly Vancouver. Together with the Vancouver Holocaust Centre, a memorable program was designed. Workshops, speakers and panel discussions were engaging, emotional and educational, and a wonderful community was created over the three days. (click to see conference Continue Reading »
HISTORIANS AND SURVIVORS AS PARTNERS IN TELLING THE TRUTH OF THE SHOAH Chris Friedrichs Professor Emeritus of History University of British Columbia World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust and Descendants conference November 2019 Note: You may quote or cite this lecture, but please do not publish or circulate the full text without Continue Reading »
Again we have participated in a wonderful conference, this time at Florida’s east coast. The weather was great and we stayed in the nice Marriot West Palm Beach hotel, where we could sit and schmooze in a spacious lobby, a wonderful garden and relax and swim in the pool. The organisers had selected for us Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, It is precisely 80 years since the Reich’s Kristallnacht Pogrom of November 9 & 10, 1938. We must take note of that precise moment when the Shoah began in its most lethal form. Of course, German propaganda and its virulent anti-Semitism had been evident for many years and Jewish civil rights had been Continue Reading »
Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, honoured guests. Today we commemorate that 80 years ago on November 9, 1938 Kristallnacht in Germany took place. A horible night for Jews living in Germany. I do not need to tell you that on the night of November 9; 1400 synagogues were burned down and demolished. That 7500 shops Continue Reading »
With an attendance of 370 (including 135 survivors and spouses!) and coverage from multiple news outlets, this year’s conference can safely be called a huge success! The Israel location was especially nice for those with Israeli relatives.
Dear WFJHS&D: Though I’d always been deeply interested in my mother’s past as a hidden survivor in Paris, I’d never given much thought to the Holocaust’s enduring effects on my generation or myself until I attended the 2016 conference in Los Angeles. I was surprised, though shouldn’t have been, how emotionally difficult it was at Continue Reading »
Houston, Texas 2015 Conference a Great Success! World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust and Descendants and Generations of the Shoah International (GSI), with Houston Holocaust Museum – 2015 Joint Conference Houston Texas, USA, October 9-12, 2015. The feedback has been very positive. Speakers, workshops, panels, entertainment, all excellent. Were you there? If yes, send us your Continue Reading »
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