We’re all troubled by the reports of increasing antisemitism. This report from the American Jewish Committee is not surprising but is so concerning. AJC Urges EU Nations to Act on Dismaying New Anti-Semitism Report
2G – NYC (in formation) a group created, in association with the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust will hold their inaugural meeting at the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, Edmond J. Safra Plaza,36 Battery Place, New York, NY 10280 on November 11 at Continue Reading »
UNITED STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM CONDEMNS ATTACK ON TREE OF LIFE SYNAGOGUE WASHINGTON, DC – The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum strongly condemns the shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh and sends its deepest sympathies to the victims and families of those who were callously murdered. Before opening fire, the alleged perpetrator Continue Reading »
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When “the last witnesses” are gone, the last survivors and child survivors are gone…. who will bear witness in the museums, who will speak to the visitors and to the students, who will go into the schools, who will do the personal interviews for school projects… who will remind the world what occurred so long Continue Reading »
Please use this link to view more from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance: https://www.holocaustremembrance.com/media-room/stories/ihra-honorary-chairman-statement IHRA Honorary Chairman Statement | IHRA INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE ALLIANCE IHRA Honorary Chairman Statement “We share a commitment to throw light on the still obscured shadows of the Holocaust.” — Declaration of the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust IHRA Honorary Continue Reading »
Jewish Child Survivors, Lost Childhood A new website from the Claims Conference, German Office. www.JewishChildSurvivors.org You can contact them to share your story. There is an exhibition to be shown in Frankfurt at the ZWST conference and in London at the conference of the Kindertransport children. Claims Conference, Office for Germany Sophienstraße 26 – D Continue Reading »
Joan Salter, a child survivor now living in UK, revisits her escape over the Pyrenees, from Southern France, into Spain, to the Serpa Pinto. Helping in her escape were the OSE, the JDC or JOINT, the Quakers and numerous brave French and Spanish guides. Click on escape-over-the-pyrenees-Joan-Salter
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls on the “intolerable rise of anti-Semitism in France.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU6xkFNfu24
Dear Friends, Please find below the EJC statement following the terror attack in Copenhagen for your information. Kind regards, The EJC Team ********************* EJC: Europe Must Move from Defense to Offense and Prevent Future Attacks (Brussels, Sunday, February 15, 2015) – European Jewish Congress President Dr. Moshe Kantor, has urged European authorities to go on Continue Reading »
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