For most of us, it is almost impossible to comprehend the ferocity and regularity with which life was upended during the first half of the 20th century. Plague and conflict emerged on an epic scale, again and again. Loss and restriction were routine; disaster was its own season. At 101, Naomi Replansky, a poet and Continue Reading »
SAN FRANCISCO — Amazon quietly banned Adolf Hitler’s manifesto “Mein Kampf” late last week, part of its accelerating efforts to remove Nazi and other hate-filled material from its bookstore, before quickly reversing itself. The retailer, which controls the majority of the book market in the United States, is caught between two demands that cannot be Continue Reading »
Across the world, people from her generation have minimized their interaction with the outside world to avoid contracting COVID-19. For rescuers of Jews in Warsaw, that task became considerably easier this week. The From the Depths commemoration group, which last year began offering free taxi rides to these rescuers, converted its small fleet of four cars Continue Reading »
Europe’s anti-Semitism crisis continues to shock people outside the Continent, with a parade in Badajos, Spain featuring marchers dressed up as Jews in Nazi death camps, while other participants wore Hitler costumes. The parade occurred in the same time frame that another similar mockery of the Holocaust was staged in Campo de Criptana, Spain. These Continue Reading »
Stephan Ross invoked images beyond nightmares when he spoke of his imprisonment as a boy in Nazi labor and death camps – 10 in all. He survived brutal beatings and ravaging illnesses and dashed away when told to wait in a line of those chosen to die. “The history of my childhood is beyond what Continue Reading »
Organisers of the Carnaval in Aalst, a Flemish city north west of Brussels, have already sold hundreds of “rabbi kits” – which include oversized noses, sidelocks and black hats – for carnival-goers to dress as Chasidic Jews, according to the Jerusalem Post. Past floats have featured Charedi Jews with big noses sitting on piles of Continue Reading »
LIBERATION75 IS A GLOBAL GATHERING OF HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS, DESCENDANTS, EDUCATORS & FRIENDS. It’s being held at the Metro Toronto Convention Center fr0m Sunday, May 31st until Tuesday, June 2nd. For information on the program, accommodations, transportation, registration and more, please visit their website.
NEW YORK (JTA) — A hand-drawn portrait of a young man in a French internment camp. A photo of a Jewish girl who survived the Holocaust by hiding in a monastery. A letter detailing efforts to improve life for Jews in the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp. These are just a few of the 250 artifacts Continue Reading »
(JTA) — “Hunters,” the new show co-produced by Jordan Peele and created by David Weil for Amazon Prime, tells the story of a crew of Nazi hunters in 1970s America. They are led by a mysterious man named Meyer Offerman, who has a thick Yiddish accent and is played by none other than Al Pacino. Continue Reading »
A rare ceremony at an ancient synagogue brought 180 Jews back to Egypt, decades after they were pressured to leave. But few Egyptians knew about it, highlighting government ambivalence. Last weekend, 180 Jews from Europe, Israel and the United States traveled to the city of Alexandria on Egypt’s Mediterranean coast to attend religious ceremonies at Continue Reading »
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