Jewish group slams police force for ‘open anti-Semitism’ after high-ranking official asks for information on all members of the Jewish community including phone numbers and places of residence. A Ukrainian Jewish group accused the nation’s police force of “open anti-Semitism” after a high-ranking police official requested a list of all Jews in the western city Continue Reading »
After implementing tens of thousands ‘merciful deaths,’ Hartheim Castle’s crematoria personnel were sent to build Holocaust death camps in occupied Poland. Eighty years ago this week, the most lethal “T4” euthanasia center began implementing “merciful deaths” for physically and mentally disabled Germans. Hartheim Castle was not far from Austria’s Linz, where Adolf Hitler grew up. Continue Reading »
PARIS, France (AFP) — Holocaust survivor Florence Schulmann has always worried that if she went into schools to recount her experience, it would sound almost fantastical: “I’d be too scared that they wouldn’t believe me.” It is the first time that the retired French shopkeeper, now living in Paris’s 11th district, has shared her story Continue Reading »
Dozens of paving stones made from Jewish headstones have been found during redevelopment work in Prague’s tourist district, confirming speculation that the former communist regime raided synagogues and graveyards for building materials. Tuesday’s discovery came in the opening phase of a £10.6m facelift project in the city’s landmark Wenceslas Square, scene of the some of Continue Reading »
Researchers studying the newly opened Vatican archives of pope Pius XII have already found evidence that the World War II-era pope knew about the mass killing of Jews from his own sources but kept it from the US government, the Washington Post reported Wednesday, citing interviews with German scholars. The archives were opened March 2, but closed Continue Reading »
AMSTERDAM (JTA) — Young supporters of the Dutch right-wing Forum for Democracy party shared memes of Anne Frank snorting cocaine and anti-Semitic remarks in internal correspondence. The HP/DeTijd magazine reported Wednesday on the contents of the WhatsApp group of some supporters of the Forum for Democracy’s young adult department. The party is the second-largest in the Dutch senate with 10 Continue Reading »
RIO DE JANEIRO (JTA) — The words “Holocaust” and “Never Again” were projected in Portuguese on Brazil’s National Congress buildings to mark Yom Hashoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, on Monday. The message covered the 300-foot-high facade of both 28-story twin towers of the Congress, the capital city Brasilia’s most famous landmark, for four hours on Continue Reading »
Tedje van der Sluis had lived by her husband’s side since she was a teenager. The couple, both Holocaust survivors from Amsterdam, had been inseparable since 1945, when they met at a Jewish orphanage. But Tedje, who suffered from dementia, was when alone when she died on April 11 of the coronavirus on the third Continue Reading »
4 LONDON — In August 1942, as the Nazis’ net grew ever tighter around the Jews of Vichy France, a Dutch diplomat walked into Lyon’s Palais de Justice and successfully demanded the release of 118 prisoners being held there. The following day, the same Dutchman, Sally Noach, appeared at the Stade des Iris on the Continue Reading »
The Kunstmuseum in Basel agreed to pay the heirs of a Berlin collector for 200 works he sold as he fled German persecution of Jews. Twelve years after the city of Basel, Switzerland, rejected a claim for restitution of 200 prints and drawings in its Kunstmuseum, officials there have reversed their position and reached a settlement Continue Reading »
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